Luke Sample and Jon Shugart believe they have the best method for making money online for the average person. “Not only the percentage of people who make money with this,” he says, “but the amount of money they’re making is absolutely huge. You compare that with the skills that’s needed with this, which isn’t much; the time that’s needed, which isn’t much; and there is nothing you’re ever gonna see that’s even close to this. Period.”
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
You don’t need to worry about paying for ads or setting up a crazy converting funnel either. Traffic? That’s already taken care of. You can do this from anywhere as long as you have some means of accessing the internet, and best of all, you can be successful with no prior experience. If you’re able to follow basic instructions or outsource them, then you’re more than qualified according to Luke. So what is this anyway? Well whatever it is, it has to deal with profiting off books and selling them on Amazon.
So basically you’ll pick any old book you want and then list it for sale as an Amazon Prime product. Of course you’ll have to sell it for more than you got it for, and you gotta factor in what Amazon is gonna take as their cut so you can still make some coin out of the deal. The benefit here is that you don’t have to worry about storing or shipping the books, Amazon will handle all the logistics for you.
Any reasonable person would then start asking “ok, so where do I get these books from?” Jon says you’ll be able to find em’ at garage sales or thrift stores. You could also look for deals on sites like Ebay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, or even buy off Amazon and sell it back for more if you’re quick about it. Here’s the thing, you’ll be able to get a book super cheap if it’s listed as a non-prime product. Why? Cuz no one wants to buy something that’s not prime. So all ya gotta do is buy them, re-list them, and make bank.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
And guess what? Jon and Luke’s system comes with a neat software where you can do exactly that. It’ll help you find the right books to buy and flip right off of Amazon. If you want in-depth training, support, and a license to their software; you’ll need to schedule a call with their sales guys of course. Now from what I’ve been able to dig up, it looks like the Book Profits training program will cost you about $3,500. And if you wanna keep using their software, that’ll be a recurring membership fee of $297 per month. If you’re looking for a refund policy, you’re SOL.
Ok, well what about results? Is anybody successful with their Book Profits System? It looks like at least one person is…check out Mehran: “Just reached a milestone: 1,000 books sold and $50k in sales in about 15 months! Not as fast as our gurus and mentors, but not bad for doing this part-time and with limited time. I just wish I would’ve started using a prep center [to get the books ready to ship to Amazon’s warehouse] sooner. Saves me a lot of time. Thanks to Jon and Luke for their continuous support.” this was written in their Private Facebook group.
A guy named Victor, added, “I just rolled through $80k last night. Next stop: $90k. Absolutely humbled and amazed that a retired high school Band teacher who had never made any money online before could actually do this business. I feel blessed that I found this by accident. At first, my wife thought I was crazy for buying and selling books online. Now she’s asking me, ‘So what were your sales today?’ Apparently, she’s on board now that she’s got extra cash to spend!” Conclusion? Seems like the offer is pretty good, but I can’t help but worry about the saturation and inevitable upsells.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024