Making money on the internet seems to be spreading far and wide. With so many different trainings and courses online, it can be a little confusing deciding which route to go.
You can make money with specialized business models like:
- Real Estate
- eCommerce
- Affiliate Marketing
- Dropshipping
But what if you wanted to get a broad overview of ways to make money online and how to capitalize on emerging social media platforms like TikTok, BlueSky and TruthSocial.
The problem you might run into is that with so many to choose from, it can take up a lot of your time with trial and error figuring out which direction will give you the best return on your time and money.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
That’s what we’ll be pulling back the curtain on in this Digital Growth Community Review.
What I would like to do is take the next few minutes to answer some of the more common questions people have had about this training, and help you decide if it’s the best option for you or if you should look at something else.
After all, you’re into this to make money and make a lot of it, so you don’t want to waste time on something that sets you back.
So with all that said, let’s start unpacking…
What Is Digital Growth Community?
Think of Digital Growth Community as a social gathering of like-minded entrepreneurs whose sole purpose is to make money on the internet. The community is housed on a learning platform called Skool and is spearheaded by Michelle O’Neil.
The purpose of the community is to show you how to make money every day through a variety of different digital marketing strategies.
The main goal is to teach you how to:
- Start making money in 6 months or less
- Improve your productivity using tools like ChatGPT
- How to create your own brand

You’re kicked off with what Michelle calls her 90-Day Challenge where she shows you how to think and act like a boss, create an ecommerce platform, and even sell things online without showing your face.
The community is huge and growing with a solid 12k+ members talking about how they love how everyone is supportive of each other with different tips and techniques on how to use TikTok, Facebook and Youtube – building a strong and responsive email marketing list – and without spending a ton of money on ads.

Who Is Michelle O’Neil?
Michelle O’Neil is an entrepreneur from Andover, Kansas with over 25 years of experience helping small businesses grow their bottom line by using social media.
Michelle had a hard time at first finding her groove, but within a year she turned things around to the point where she was making a six figure income. It all started with a friend of hers, Carissa, showing her a different way to make money that didn’t involve an MLM, which Michelle had tried in the past with no success.
Soon after taking Carissa’s advice, Michelle created a website, started using TikTok and Youtube to get traffic, and was on her way to making about $9,000 in her first month and $50,000 per month a few months later.
Michelle has a strong online presence with:
- 47k+ followers on her TikTok
- 7k followers on her Instagram
- 5k+ subscribers on her Youtube channel
But Michelle isn’t all business… In her spare time she just likes to hang out with her family and share success stories with online communities.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
How Much Does It Cost To Join Digital Growth Community?
Joining the Digital Growth Community costs anywhere from $97 and $647. You pay a $47 monthly fee or $423 for a year, saving $141. Before joining, you need to buy a digital product ranging from $50 to $600.
So, the total cost includes the membership fee plus the product price.
What Kind Of Training Do You Get?
Here’s a list of the training you’ll get when you purchase Digital Growth Community…
- 3-Month Growth Challenge: You’ll learn how to develop a CEO mindset with daily challenges from Michelle.
- Digital Success Path: Michelle shows you her step-by-step roadmap to business growth – with the necessary web design and lead generation tools included.
- Live Recorded Calls: You get access to live weekly Zoom calls and past recordings.
- Business Start-Up Blueprint: You’ll get a detailed outline for the beginning stages of your business.
- Mastering TikTok: Michelle teaches you all the ins and outs of using TikTok that builds your following and generates leads.
- Automation: You’ll learn how to set your business on autopilot from setting up your online presence to managing your emails.
- Anonymous Branding: She teaches you how to build your online brand with little to no personal exposure.
Pros and Cons:
- Affordable Membership Fee: It costs $49 per month, which means it’s easy for many people to join.
- Regular Online Meetings: Members enjoy monthly Zoom meetings, which means great chances to learn and network.
- Experienced Founder: Michelle O’Neil brings over 25 years of expertise, which means members get valuable guidance.
- Mandatory Initial Purchase: You must buy a product ranging from $50 to $600 to join, which means an extra upfront cost.
- Affiliate Marketing Scheme: Focuses on selling their digital products for commissions, which means you need to be familiar with this model.
- 24 Hours Approval: Takes a day to get into the community, which means a bit of waiting.
Are There Better Ways To Make Money In 2024?
In my personal opinion, I would say that you probably won’t go wrong with the course. I say that because of the 12k member community that you’ll have access to is something that not too many courses offer.
On the other hand, I would prefer something that’s a bit more focused on an actual business model. I would rather learn a specific skill that not very many other people know that doesn’t involve me competing on platforms like TikTok and Youtube due to the competition.
That’s why I’ve been involved with Digital Leasing for the last few years, and let me tell you, the digital skills that you learn puts you in the upper 1% of Digital Marketing online businesses.
So, click the button below if you would like to learn more about Digital Leasing and why it’s my #1 recommendation.