You’ve probably seen this Chad Kimball around YouTube ads showcasing his magnificent beard. But instead of promoting the latest beard oil, he’s actually sending you to his own websites like,, and to sell you his Google Maps Elite course instead.
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In one of Chaddo’s most recent ads, he decides to get really vulnerable with you guys. He filmed a short video sharing his personal journal entries before he was a Google Maps master.
But what angle is he playing at? “I want you to know that I can relate [to where you’re at] and that I know how it feels to want to really change your life; to want to change your work situation; to get out of your job; to set your schedule; to set you and your finances free; to make more money. And I also know what it feels like not to know how to do it,” he says.
Chad Kimball is basically sharing these in the hopes that he’ll reach out to others that are in a similar spot to where he was, let them know they’re not alone, and his goal is to get you unstuck in record time.

I know the writing is probably tough to make out, but in essence he’s basically describing how he’s unhappy with lifestyle and wishes life was simpler like his school days. He wished he could work from home and have that flexible schedule. He continues to describe how he feels genuine envy towards others with the lifestyles of freedom like he wants.

In an entry just 6 months later, you can see that his absolute jerk of a boss refuses to stop yelling at everyone and he’s beginning to make his case for quitting his job.

Not too much later he has another entry written with red ink that starts out with “Lord Jesus…”. This one hurt me to see because I know that exact feeling of being at the end of the rope with a 9-5. Unfortunately his attempts at finding new work have fallen flat.

Sadly it get’s pretty dark. Chad is consumed by negative emotions: envy, jealousy, anger. Most of all though, he’s scared he’ll be stuck in his hopeless situation forever.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. “This is my last day…Whew!” he writes…and a little out of view of the video is written “I almost can’t believe I made it a year and a half at this place”.

And today, just about no one can tell him anything. Chad Kimball stopped the shaving, got the badass beard, and started working from home like he wanted. And he did it through getting local businesses more leads by showing up at the top of Google maps.

Now, nearly two decades later, with a tad less hair, but way more epic beard, he’s living his dream life of freedom thanks to his Google Maps mojo. A skillset he wouldn’t mind teaching you as long as you’ve got $7,000 to toss his way.