It’s true. Companies can make more money and have fun side by side. Thanks to our guy Chris Patterson who happens to own According to statistics, its clients have acquired $1.6 billion. Impressive!
Chris is on a mission. If you are a struggling 6-figure entrepreneur don’t sweat it. His amazing programs are called Live Large Coaching, Quantum Leap Mindset, and Thinking Into Results. They can help you turn into a 7-figure powerhouse.
What do I think of this Chris guy at first glance? Reminds me a lot of Jim Rohn if he was some big buff dude.
Anyways, he has snaps with Grant Cardone, Ed Mylett, Michael Chandler, and 50 Cent spamming all over his Instagram. The guy must be legit. Hope so!
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
Anyone serious enough to take the quantum leap approach in life is eligible to work with Chris. But, he needs to be hardworking, be open to coaching, uphold strong ethics, and have a ready willingness to invest effort, and so on.
According to Chris, success means steadily working towards a meaningful goal. This meaningful goal is like a cool dream, something that fires you up and maybe even gives you butterflies. Like how Elon Musk wants to conquer Mars. And that “steady working” part is all about the actions you’re taking to turn that dream into a real thing. It’s the steps you’re climbing, the progress you’re making.
Chris says if you know you can do something again simply because you have done it already in the past, you’ve got an A-goal. The best way to describe an A- goal is maybe seven years ago you ran half a marathon and now you want to run again.
Now, let’s talk about B-goals: These are things that you feel confident doing, mainly because you’ve done things of similar nature in the past. Consider it this way: You’ve already finished a half marathon, so going for a full marathon isn’t overly ambitious. Although the task may double, the strategy is somewhat identical. Give yourself the time and the appropriate instructions, and chances are you’ll complete the task.
Then, at last, you have C- goals. You have always imagined accomplishing that one dream but you are too scared. The sky is high and your hands cannot reach. Or maybe you think people like you cannot touch the sky? When that little voice inside your head says you can’t that’s exactly when you know you have to try. Bam! you have a C- goal in front of you.
So now you know why Chris wants you to ditch your comfort zone and achieve what you might think is impossible. Something that keeps you running from morning to night.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

So here is what Chris suggests- write one goal that is your ultimate dream for your professional and personal life.
After that, the gap between knowing and acting must therefore be closed.
You’re wondering how? Chris says, simply figure out your non-productive actions (NPAs) and make a list. In case you’re trying to lose those extra pounds this will include ordering take-outs, late-night Netflix marathons, and crashing the junk food section.
Now step 2: The Law of Polarity. You need to know that there is always a right to your left. Where there is east there is west. Focus on PAs (productive actions). If you decide to eat then maybe do a healthy meal prep on weekends or simply replace junk food with fruits and veggies in your fridge. Try hitting the gym 4 times a week.
Replacing good with bad? wow, Chris bite me.
He is now ranting about an idea he calls the “Terror Barrier.” It seems like fear is the only thing that may prevent you from thinking big.
Chris claims that FEAR is an acronym for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” Yes, he is doing well. I wonder if his next memory-boosting tactic is to “Never Eat Shredded Wheat”?
But anyway, here’s the deal: You’re enthusiastically moving towards your C-goal when suddenly, something frightens you, and before you know it, you’re returning to your haven.
Chris offers the following strategy: Recognize the terror barriers that trip you up. You’ll be prepared to run right through them if you can anticipate their arrival.
And me? I’m out. Seriously, I have no desire to.
And don’t even get me started at the cost of covering Live Large Coaching. I might faint and my eye balls can pop out, seriously.
Somebody tell Chris this is ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ not a chapter of Quantum physics.