If you’ve been looking around for ways to make money online, you may have come across something called affiliate marketing. And if you’ve come across affiliate marketing, odds are you probably started getting flooded with different affiliate marketing gurus on Facebook as you were scrolling through your feed. That leads us to Nicole T, you probably decided to do some quick research on her before making any final choices. With that said, scroll down for my full Nicole T review.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
“Hi Everyone! I’m Amber Nicole. Super excited to connect and share something with you about high ticket affiliate marketing” Her ad starts out. Of course you can’t judge the first 5 seconds of an ad too hard, all you can do is expect is to start looking for the pitch. “I started in this space two years ago. And I’m excited to show you how to have location freedom, more time with your friends and family, and more choice in your life”.
Of course I’ve heard that same type of pitch a million times before, I’m sure you have too. I mean, who doesn’t want location and time freedom? Personally, hearing all these same pitches gets annoying after a while. Where’s the uniqueness? Where’s the energy? Where’s the guru that is so knowledgeable and so energetic that they don’t have to read off a script for every single ad? I wanna listen to that type of person.
“If you’re interested in creating wealth online and enjoying life how you choose and getting back to what you as a person are sole aligned to, now is the time. Reach out, take action, send a message in the link below. I’m excited to connect and show you how to transition out of the 9-5. See you on the inside”. And with that the ad comes to a close.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
There is no real product offer that she sends you to immediately and it is unclear whether she is promoting someone else’s product or her own. She wants you to reach out to her and start talking. Speaking from experience, it’s most likely that she is going to pitch you on someone else’s product through her own affiliate link.
Pretty ironic if you ask me…Talking about using affiliate marketing for a free life…all while having your audience basically fund that life by buying through your link. Who’s to say that they’ll be able to do the same thing? See that’s one of the problems I have with affiliate marketing…It almost turns into a pyramid scheme at a certain point. It turns into you just sending others to buy the same training you bought and the only way to really make money is to sell that program.
Kinda jenky…That’s why I don’t recommend affiliate marketing. I won’t even get into all the competition either. Instead I’ll just mention real quick that digital leasing is a better option. You promote actual companies with actual services through an asset you own 100%. That’s how I was able to achieve all the freedom Nicole was talking about. So hey, click down below if you wanna learn more about that alternative.