Digital Dropshipping Mastery Review (Updated): Is Tanner Planes Legit?

Tanner Planes is living the dream. He used to spend his days as a broke high school student being pissed off about the school system and it’s lack of ability to make people independent. Then one day he managed to make $20,000…literally overnight. But it’s been about 6 years since then and a lot has changed. Competitions become more stiff and more money is to be made in digital products than physical. Scroll down for my full Digital Dropshipping Mastery review.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

“With digital,” Tanner explains, “as soon as someone buys from my store, the product is instantly delivered to them. And it only costs me a one-time fee when it’s created. If you ever wanted to build a wildly profitable online business but you’re struggling with what steps you should take next? Or maybe you’re feeling a little lost? It’s not your fault. [Okay, Tony Robbins.] The truth, is that most dropshippers are lying to you. A successful dropshipping business needs to sell digital products.”

“But all anyone ever talks about,” he continues to rant, “is selling the same crappy products from China. Here inside of our Digital Dropshipping Mastery program, we solve extraordinary problems and make extraordinary amounts of profit because of it. Think about it. There are four main pain point categories that we have as humans. Health, wealth, relationships, and happiness. If I create a physical dropshipping store and try and sell a water bottle that 1,000 other people are trying to sell at the same time?”

“The odds of me succeeding are extremely low. But if I create a digital dropshipping store that sells unique digital products that maybe solve a health problem, such as a fitness guide, the odds of me succeeding are much higher. Because we create the value and decide how we want our products to be perceived. As the chaos of the world continues to increase the cost of freight, it really makes no sense to keep dropshipping products from China. I will be honest though. I sell physical products too. It’s just that they’re established brands and we have inventory in-house.”

Tanner Planes Review

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

Yet in the 6 years Tanner’s done dropshipping, he’s never seen something as profitable as this that’s actually scalable in the long term. He says that for you to fully take advantage of all this though, you need to avoid mistakes. Of course this is when he confidently mentions his Dropshipping Mastery course can help you avoid those mistakes. Whatever doubts you may have, Tanner kicks them to the curb.

“With this program,” Tanner pitches, “you can use my experience to cut your learning curve and see results quicker. Albert Einstein said, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ [Hello, God? Hi, it’s me. Katie. Yeah, if you could make it so that I never have to hear that quote again, I promise I’ll drink less wine. Amen.] I don’t know about you but I would much rather be told the truth by someone who succeeded in dropshipping than continue to do it the old way and just keep failing.”

Digital Dropshipping Mastery costs $997. In the course you will get a core 7 module training, access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and network, a digital file vault, ads swipes, and exclusive bonus modules. I think it’s a really solid program and to top it off, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case you decide the program isn’t for you and want a full refund.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

John Reed: As a fellow patriot who’s disillusioned with the 9-5 “American Dream”, I’ve grown to loathe the self-help and “guru” industry.
And here’s what pisses me off about the industry.