Sys Savanh believes you can monetize whatever your expertise is in with his help. He thinks you can make 7 figures with it too in the process. The entry level product he hits you with is his “Online Business Success Bootcamp”. It’s for people that want to be or already are a speaker, coach, course creator, or agency owner. This little product starts off by costing you just $97. You can betchya bum that there will be upsells to follow. Is it worth it? Scroll down for my full Sys Savanh review.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
“We back our training with a 100% money back guarantee,” Sys says. “You can attend all three days of our Bootcamp, and if you feel that you did not learn exactly how to build, launch, and make money selling your courses, events, programs, or services online? You can request a full refund. At this virtual event, I’ll be sharing with you systems, frameworks, and step by step processes that we use every single day to run our 7-figure business selling our expertise online. And if we can do it, you can too.”
“You see,” he continues, “our big promise is that this is the only training that you’ll ever need to attend to turn what you are great at and what you love doing into a successful online business. So if you are a coach, you’re a consultant, you’re a course creator, you’re a speaker or trainer, or you’re a fee-for-service professional who wants to build, launch, and sell your courses, events, programs, or services online, this Bootcamp is exactly where you need to be at.”
Alrighty, so what is it you’ll really be learning? Sys say’s he’ll show you how to find a market that’s profitable where you can promote offers your target audience just can’t resist. You’ll learn how to build sales funnels for these spaces, learn the necessary copywriting, and learn how to run ads that are both free and paid. What’s crazy is that all the other gurus don’t provide this much value on an entry level training. Sys really leads with value in my opinion.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
“Here’s the thing though,” he warns. “This is called a Bootcamp for a reason. You can’t just show up and expect to get rich. You must come prepared to work. Because remember, by the end of day three, you’ll leave with whatever it is that you’re looking to sell—whatever it is that you’re wanting to sell online—completely built and ready to launch. Where, on day four, all you have to do is implement and execute. Like I said, we will fulfill our promise, but you have to show up ready to work.”
“And if you’re not ready to do that?” Sys adds. “Please don’t register. Again, we back our training with a 100% money back guarantee. You really have nothing to lose here. But you have a lot to gain. On top of this amazing training, as well, just for attending, you’ll receive the most incredible free gift ever [oh no, not another MIFGE—damn you, Russell Brunson!]. It’s a sales funnel you can use to launch your new offer, which is valued at over $2,500. So if you’re ready to get to work, register for our next Online Business Success Bootcamp today.”
So what do I think? I think the offer is solid for just $97. My question is just how exactly something that costs $97 will help you create and launch a new product in just 3 days. Not to mention I’m sure there’s a load of multi-thousand dollar courses that you’re gonna be pushed to buy after the bootcamp. Plus, why sell your own stuff and deal with that stress when you can just sell leads like I do?