Dylan Sigley has an interesting YouTube ad that’s been makin’ its way around peoples feeds. In the ad he compares drop shipping to a drop servicing business. Drop shipping can make you thousands per month if you sell thousands of products. But drop servicing can make you a few grand with just a few clients. Plus drop shipping is most certainly almost fully saturated. Ad accounts are going down, people copying each other shamelessly, drop shippings future is questionable at best, according to Sigley.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
That said, his ad must have spooked you enough to have you googling it and considering dropservicing as a viable online business. “You can have clients paying you $1,000, $3,000, $6,000 per month to deliver high quality services,” claims Dylan. You don’t even have to know about these services specifically or fulfill them. Oh and you basically never have to talk to your client at any time.
I get that it sounds crazy (maybe it is) but Dylan tries to assure us when he explains the steps. Step one: Put your offer out there (ok yeah, common sense). Step two: funnel them to your sales system that is automated (gee it’d be nice to have that). Step three: outsource to your new virtual team (how do we get a team?). Dylan claims those are the exact steps that him and his partner Kevin use for their drop servicing businesses.
Of course the guru pitch comes in the form of his two hour training. They’ll show what they did to launch a brand new drop servicing biz and pocket $12k in under a week. Finally you’ll learn their method of driving free traffic to any drop servicing website they create.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
Inside the Drop Servicing Blueprint is a 6 week long, over the shoulder training that teaches you dropservicing. You’ll get access to the same mindsets (uh why?), methods, strategies, and tactics Dylan and Kevin use to run their 6-figure successful drop servicing business. You’ll receive over 30 hours of video, sales scripts, email swipes, templates, and more. Apparently you’ll get lots of support in their Facebook group plus weekly Q&A calls. As a bonus you’ll get access to a 7-day accelerator course to help you land your first deal “fast and free”.
For those you wondering about price, here ya go. Drop Servicing Blueprint cost $997, that includes a 30 day money back guarantee. Dylan Sigley has a pretty good reputation online. Pretty hard to maintain that in the make money online biz where everyone is typically called a scam by at least one hater. For right now though, he seems solid and has earned a 4.8/5 on trustpilot. Sure, those can be faked, but it’s better than seeing a bunch of people talking crap about wanting a refund right?
Overall, it sounds like Drop Servicing Blueprint is at least worth your consideration. But personally, I’d rather learn a high demand skill and be involved in the fulfillment. I’m not saying I like boring tasks or that I wouldn’t hire anyone to help, but I think it’s kinda uncool to build a business that you know nothing about. So that’s my two cents, just make sure you’re learning about it as time goes on. If you never master it yourself, why would anyone pay you? Future proof your profits by becoming the master you know you can be.