Tamara Tee claims she can teach you her exact ways on how to sell Amazon FBA products that will generate you an online passive income that can earn 10K+ per month without any tech skills. You can work anywhere you want, only when you want, with no boss breathing down your neck. She says it won’t take years to make your first dime either, but is it all just too good to be true like it often is? Scroll down for my full FBA Winners review.
My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
Hailing from Vancouver Canada, Tamara Tee lives happily with her husband Palmer. Her start was like most women’s start. She got a job in the corporate world because that was the dream she was sold. After 10 years she wound up hating it and quit. Today, she runs an infamous coaching program and has multiple 7 figure ecom stores. And with a profit margin of about 25%…well she’s doing just fine. It’s enough for her to have bought her dream life with all the cars, vacations, and homes you could imagine. And now she’s reaching back down to help others do the same.
Here’s an overview of her FBA process. The good ole’ fashioned buy low, sell high bit. She teaches you to go to Alibaba, but a product in bulk, then ship it to Amazon while you list it and market it. After someone buys it, Amazon takes their cut through all the shipping fulfillment and you get what’s left.
However, learning all that on your own can take a super long time and cost a lot of money in the process. Like what’s a good profit margin? How should you label products? How do you get Amazon to actually house and ship your products? How do you get your listing to the top of an Amazon search page? And not to mention all the other nitty gritty business stuff.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024
“Bottom line is, you need help from experienced Amazon FBA sellers to get you from point A to point B so you can make money faster and easier,” Inside the FBA Winners course you’ll find her product verification checklist. This checklist let’s you know your odds of having a successful product or not. She’ll also show you how to pick unique products so that you’ll get sales easily instead of competing with the big dogs. Not to mention she’ll walk you through exactly what you need to do to get on the first page of Amazon for your products through ads, and lastly, how to scale.
If you think you want to get started with your own FBA Business, you’ll have to hop on a strategy call with Tamara’s team. This phone call will educate you on what you need to do to earn five figures a month month Amazon. Of course this is a sales call and you will be pitched her program. FBA Winners costs $1,997 and payment plans are available if needed. If there is a refund policy, it’s pretty hard to find. However Tamara doesn’t seem inauthentic and has lots of positive reviews from her FBA Winners students.
Honestly, I only have an issue with the business model itself. It’s pretty expensive to launch, and that doesn’t even factor in how much Tamara Tee charges for the course. Generally speaking you’ll need at least $7,000 of liquid cash to get started for things like products, software, marketing, and ad spend. And I wish I could say I was joking when I say that all that is on the low-end. It’s likely that you’ll be north of $10,000 in the hole before you see your first sale…and what if it never even comes?? Let’s say it is a success and sells like crazy though…won’t all the big dogs just squeeze you out of the market? Check out my solution to all this before you go.