Affiliate Xpert Review (Updated): Why So Shady?

On Facebook the ad has the profile of a woman and reads very short. In fact the ad is only 4 lines long. ” Tired of the daily grind? I was too, until I discovered the power of affiliate marketing! Now, I’m living life on my terms, making money while I sleep. Don’t miss out on the chance to break free from the 9-5 and achieve financial freedom! Click now to learn my proven strategies!” Yep, there’s all there is. Scroll down for my full Affiliate Xpert review.

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So a short little ad, what’s the harm in that? Well nothing really, but what I find a bit shady is everything that seems to follow after that. You’re led to a page that immediately asks you if you’re at least 18 years old. After that, it asks if you’ve ever tried making money online at all before. And finally the last question asks you if you are ok with having an “unfair advantage” over everyone else who is in affiliate marketing industry.

If you ask me, I think anyone would clearly want that “unfair advantage”. But I think this opens the door to a lot of promises that won’t exactly lead up to hype. For example, many different affiliate marketing programs out there always tote and gas up their “unfair advantages” and strategies, but once you get inside the course, you realize it’s a bunch old and outdated tactics that don’t work anymore and could get you banned from numerous different platforms from an ad standpoint.

After the quiz you are led to a page that asks for your name and email and in return you get access to their free training. At the top you see Kristin Ann and Igor Kheifets. Kristin doesn’t have that much of a reputation, but Igor is a world renown affiliate marketing guru who has made millions promoting products for others as well as promoting offers for his own courses.

Is Kristin Ann Legit

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So what’s exactly going on here? Who is Kristin? Well if I were a betting man I’d say that Kristin is a student of Igors and is just using his pre-built sales funnels to promote his course. In exchange she’ll get a piece of the sales because it was here traffic that brought in the new customers. Most affiliate marketing gurus do this kinda thing, letting their students promote the same product, getting more money, and the cycle continues.

But here’s my issue…isn’t it that with affiliate marketing you are supposed to be learning how to promote other peoples products? Like how to promote sales for fidget spinners, hair ties, hoverboards, and more. If you’re only making money by promoting a course that is supposed to teach you how to make money, doesn’t that just sound like a weird pyramid scheme?

How much does Affiliate Xpert cost? No mention of price on the front end, but I’d bet that the first offer is maybe $10 with an infinite amount of upsells afterwards. Personally, I probably wouldn’t join this program. The sales funnel just feels a bit shady and similar to a pyramid scheme. Not to mention affiliate marketing is just so saturated that it’s hard to make money in it if you’re competing with millions of other people trying to sell the same products as you. My recommendation? Try building out small local websites where you’re competing against like 20 people tops.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

John Reed: As a fellow patriot who’s disillusioned with the 9-5 “American Dream”, I’ve grown to loathe the self-help and “guru” industry.
And here’s what pisses me off about the industry.