Zesty Agency Review (Updated): Are Sam Despo And Em Lucin Legit?

Zesty Agency is one of the latest TikTok marketing programs to surface claiming that you can build a community into a 6-7 figure revenue stream…all without really “selling”.

How do you do it?

Well that’s why they have a whole program.

Scroll down for my full Zesty Agency review.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

Sam Despo is the main face of Zesty Agency with Em Lucin coming in as his sidekick.

He’s got over a decade of experience in marketing while also having quite the strong background in paid ads whether it’s on social media or Google.

So what do you get inside this program?

  • Why use TikTok?
  • Identifying your niche
  • Mindset of a creator
  • The content pillars
  • The zesty tiktok success funnel
  • How to come up with content ideas
  • What is TikTok SEO
  • Working with creators

You’ll also get a whole lot more than that by the way, those are just the titles of each module.

It’s safe to say that the Zesty Marketing Agency is legit and they do know what they’re doing.

They have more than a handful of positive reviews on the web vouching for their program.

The cool thing about this program is that it really is a catch-all for TikTok. They’ll show you how to not only build your own brand and market your own products or services, but you’ll also get a chance to learn about how to work with other creators and create partnerships.

How Much Does Zesty Agency Cost

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

Zesty Agency costs a one time fee of $999.

Not bad.

Still, I don’t think TikTok is the best way to build an income stream that you want to be reliable.

For one thing…it’s a social media platform. Which means algorithms can change on a whim and your business could be turned off overnight.

There’s also the added stress of creators that you are working with, deciding to take their audience somewhere else to promote another product or service they might be getting a better deal on.

TikTok is also fairly difficult to scale.

Let’s say that instead of partnering with other creators you decide to build you own audience and sell some of your own products.

This basically turns you into an ecommerce company right?

And with that comes all the supply chain issues, shipping issues, and let’s not even begin to talk about refunds.

You won’t really have a passive business this way, even if you decide to hire out some parts of the process because then you’ll have to make even more content for the sake of the now smaller profit margins.

Personally, I’d rather stick to this digital leasing thing I’m doing. I set up some simple sites, rank them locally where there’s no competition, and let the leads flow in.

No reliance on ads.

No reliance on partners.

No reliance on nothing but me.

If you wanna know more about it, check it out below.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

John Reed: As a fellow patriot who’s disillusioned with the 9-5 “American Dream”, I’ve grown to loathe the self-help and “guru” industry.
And here’s what pisses me off about the industry.