Review (Updated): Is Moran Pober Legit?

You may not know this, but there are over 70 million senior citizens that control $30 Trillion of the wealth all over the world.  Wanna know what else? These 70 million want to trade in their dancing shoes for a nice tall Long Island Ice Tea and start enjoying life. A Lot of them are business owners whose plan is to take pennies on the dollar for the keys to the kingdom.  That’s when Moran Pober steps on stage. 

Want to know more? Keep reading my review. 

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

Moran goes on to explain, “We’re an investment and consulting company, and we’ll guarantee you three key results as you look to grow your business by acquisitions. Number one is we will help you find great companies to buy, from people who are actually super motivated to sell their business for pennies on the dollar. Not only that but we’ll hand you the best ones we receive through our network of thousands of scouts looking for deals (which they refer to us in exchange for a commission).”

He then says, “Number two is we will help you do due diligence on an acquisition target to know if it’s a good deal or not. And also, what’s to offer to make sure that you’re not paying too much for a business that isn’t worth it. We will also help you find gaps in those businesses that can be turned around with some simple systems and processes. Think how much faster and easier this is than starting your own company from scratch, and trying to grow it one sale at a time.”

He goes on to say, “Number three is, we will support you in financing those acquisitions, either with introductions to institutions we work with or with our own fund that is looking to invest in acquisitions and great CEOs. So if you have a great deal and we work well together, we can partner and our service will be completely free. If you believe that your dream business is out of reach because you don’t have millions of dollars in your business bank account, we can show you how to crush that limiting belief.”

Is Moran Pober Legit

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

If all this sounds a little sketchy, Pober says that buying companies is the easy part.  Not only can he help you lock down a business in a fraction of the time for a fraction of the money that you would have to pay for a bank loan, he can actually show you how to take that business and set it up for future growth.  This was something that he learned in the early days when he put over 100 businesses in his back pocket. Now it’s just a matter of creating the blueprint to do it over and over again. 

It’s kinda like in real estate when most entrepreneurs buy a run down house with private equity, fixing it up and then holding on to it for a nice, steady cash flow. Imagine buying a run down business, giving it a face-lift and raking in the daily profits. At some point you want to streamline and automate your business by hiring a team and training them to run your business for you. Then you just go and do the same thing with 10 or 20 more. Rinse and repeat, over and over. After a while it becomes second nature and the typical challenges you would face as a new business owner you just shake off like a bad habit. 

The best part is that it’s not guesswork, and Moran is not some wizard with a magic wand. He just has a roadmap for success and he’s willing to share it with you. He lays out all the tools, templates, scripts, along with live Q&As, a dedicated business manager, and his CFO. All you have to do is step up to bat and start swinging. The cost to join the program changes from person to person, but if you’re interested, you just need to book a call.

My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024

John Reed: As a fellow patriot who’s disillusioned with the 9-5 “American Dream”, I’ve grown to loathe the self-help and “guru” industry.
And here’s what pisses me off about the industry.